About Us


We cook a lot in our tiny kitchen and love it! Baked bread, simmering soups and homemade pizzas are just a few of the staples in our apartment. We are constantly experimenting with recipes and love a challenge. We’re not Iron Chefs but we do respect the men and women who are and their dedication to the craft. We’re just two men who are trying to get back into the simple ways of life. We’re all about farmer’s markets and grass fed beef. We believe that the food we eat is sacred, even if we are not of the religious state of mind, and that with every bite we take or every drink we consume we can all make a difference, for good or not so good.

We hope you enjoy reading about what we are eating, peruse the pictures we take of our food, and tell us about what your eating and drinking.


Jason & Steve




16 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Hello guys! Now I am going to do something don’t generally do… a shameless promotion of one’s questionable creative prowess, in the kitchen and otherwise. But only because we share similar interests! Do bear with me for a moment here.

    I live on a farm outside of the Viroqua, Wisconsin (having moved here from my native Azerbaijan) – which you may have heard of as a major Midwestern organic Mecca and a hometown to the Organic Valley (nearly), and essentially spend my life raising grass-fed beef, free-range chickens, hunting deer, and making homemade food and bread and all that stuff. Eventually, propelled by a 30-years-old “crisis,” I launched a food blog along with my other friend, which is all about catching and raising and cooking your own (very slow) and heart-wrenchingly delicious food. So…

    do drop by – I think you are going to like it. I am just feeling confident like that.


  2. You posted on FB at Slow food about viable options for the American food gap. I recently visited a place called Growing Power. http://www.growingpower.org They are in the middle of Milwaukee. The last farm zoned area in Milwaukee and in the middle of a “food desert” and with in a mile and half of the largest public housing project in Wisconsin. Check out their market baskets and training programs. This could be a viable option for reproducing in in your area. From the bio “Growing Power transforms communities by supporting people from diverse backgrounds and the environments in which they live through the development of Community Food Systems. These systems provide high-quality, safe, healthy, affordable food for all residents in the community. Growing Power develops Community Food Centers, as a key component of Community Food Systems, through training, active demonstration, outreach, and technical assistance.

    Will Allen, our Chief Executive Officer believes, “If people can grow safe, healthy, affordable food, if they have access to land and clean water, this is transformative on every level in a community. I believe we cannot have healthy communities without a healthy food system.”

    Our goal is a simple one: to grow food, to grow minds, and to grow community. Growing Power began with a farmer, a plot of land, and a core group of dedicated young people. Today, our love of the land and our dedication to sharing knowledge is changing lives.”


  3. This has now become one of my favorite food blogs. Where have you guys been? I’ve already forwarded to some foodie friends.


  4. Hello Steve & Jason!

    It was great meeting you today, I hope your hunt for sweet treats was a success. Good luck in your food adventures and I look forward to some bartering in our future.



    • Hello Sara,

      The feeling is mutual. The two of you were great company. We can’t thank you enough for your generous advice. We’ll be taking you up on your offer to be sure. As for today’s food, we left the event stuffed and looking forward to the next one.

      Steve & Jason


  5. Hey Steve and Jason…it was a pleasure to meet you guys at the SF Food Wars Salsa Champion’chip’! Apologies for my delayed follow-up, unfortunately I misplaced the card you gave to me. Shoot me an email at marc [at] heardabout.com when you get a chance, would love to catch up!


  6. Hey there,

    We have been reading the articles on your website https://yourfoodchoices.wordpress.com and are very impressed with the quality of your information.

    We have a team of copywriters who specialize in writing articles on various topics and would like to write an original article for you to use on your website – this article will not be used anywhere else on the Internet.

    In exchange all we ask is that we can have one or two links within the body of the article back to one of our sites.
    If you are interested in having us write an article for your website please just let me know and we would be more than happy to have one written for you within two days.

    Kind regards,



Food for thought.